Funn Solo Narrow Wide Chainring 104bcd Black

FUNN Solo Chain Ring Narrow Wide 32T 104mm BCD Black
This chainring is specifically designed for single chainring (1x) conversions with 104mm BCD interface crank sets. CNC narrow wide profile keeps the chain on the ring at all times, in all terrain.

. 104mm BCD crank interface wo/ bolts
. 7075 high tensile aerospace alloy / Full CNC
. Narrow wide profile designed to keep chain on the ring

Convert to 1X easily with a narrow wide chainring that is designed to keep your chain on. Not confident to play home mechanic for this job? Book in to our workshop and let our mechanics do the job for you. We stock a great range of bicycle parts and accessories at Wollongong Bike Hub and have been serving the Illawarra and beyond for well over 40years. Thinking bikes? Think Bike Hub.